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About Faith

“Stay  together, friends.   Don’t  scatter  and  sleep.

  Our  friendship  is  made  of  being  awake.”                                              - Rumi


A door has opened for humanity and there’s a new awakening! We can now know ourselves at the deepest levels and reach states of consciousness that have been unknowable. 


I believe it’s our birthright as human beings to experience the energy of our own soul, lives we’ve lived, our guides, council of elders, soul group, alternate realities, parallel experiences, and ultimately our own version of universal consciousness. Your soul history belongs to you and it seems incredibly valuable to revisit as many aspects of your eternal self as is relevant and helpful to your current life.


Each individual I work with is so special, and filled with their own precious essence, which we tap deeply into with each session. It’s that remembering of all that we are as eternal beings and all that we’re here to be in our now life that underlies every session. Past Life Regression (PLR), Life Between Lives (LBL), Quantum Consciousness (QC), and Galactic Reunions sessions are custom made for you, like the perfect outfit for a special occasion would be created. Your soul knows exactly what you need to experience to illuminate the path you’re on now. You will be amazed how creatively personalized your sessions will each be.


I offer several of the most cutting edge spiritual regression processes available, a menu of sorts, for you to choose from. The first step for you might be to have a Past Life Regression. Then allow your heart to guide you into the next…perhaps an LBL, QC, or a Galactic Reunions session. Or we may find some unresolved reservoirs from the stored consciousness within your current life that have been holding you back that need a dedicated session to revisit and then release. We will work from the perfect point for you and move at a pace that feels most comfortable. Ultimately even if you come in with a very specific intention for your session, your soul will present what you need most at the time. We can go with the flow trusting what shows up, knowing your soul and guides will point you to the most important matters to be addressed.


I love the intimacy, creativity and beauty of the work I facilitate. It’s an honor to be there with my client as they open and connect to true self- empowerment through their own Soul. If you have any questions about the services I offer, please feel free to pick up the phone or drop me an email. It’s hard to put it all in a website and really I’d rather talk to you in person!


My own path of opening to my spiritual nature started when I was very young and continues every moment I live. I’m happiest staring into the endless starry night sky, breathing fresh sweet air, admiring the magnificence of trees and the free unrestrained spirit of animals. This is only equaled by being in the presence of and working with another beautiful soul.


I’d love to meet you and guide you into your own spiritual adventure into your eternal self.


                                                                          With love,


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